It is very old problem to solve - number of World champions in powerboating.
Biggest problem here is to define minimum demands for World championship.
One suggestion is:
If there are minimum 10 drivers from two continents, then it is WC.
In case all drivers are from one continent, we need 5 parcipicating nations with minimum 10 boats.
If these demands are not reached, WC turns to the international race.
If there are not minimum 10 boats in class two years in row, this class don't have WC for next season.
To achieve minimum number of boats (10), drivers from two continents or 5 nations, it is marketing task for race organizers.
Here is one suggestion for the year 2012. These are classes to have in the World Championship list.
GT-15 (Junior class)
T-550 (if we have "green class" to give to the drivers, then it. GT-60 for example)
F4S (replaces S-550)
S-850 (F4), may be replaced with SL-90
S-2000 (for endurance and national races)
Endurance pneumatics 3 World championship classes (now 10, PR and P), probably PR200HP etc.
Endurance 2 classes (now 3, S-Class 1, S-Class 2, S-Class 3)
Jet Sprint
GP Hydro
P1 (two classes)
Offshore 1
Offshore 3 (3 champions)
Aquabike (max 4 classes)
There are also APBA classes.
It was only one suggestion. We have to discuss more.