Some ideas. At first, juniors have to be involved in that. Secondly it is wise to have existing relatively cheap U.I.M. classes involved in such competition. And finally at least three classes has to be included for so called Powerboating Nations GP.
One suggestion for format is following.
Include to the race three different type of boats: monohull, hydroplane and catamaran. In this way for example classes are GT-15 (juniors monohull), OSY-400 (hydroplane) and F4S (catamaran). In each classes every competing nation has national team with two boats. Total number for the team is six here. 10 best nations are going to the final and we are getting 20 boats in every heat, which is very spectacular. Race has two days. First day is for timetrials and qualification heats (2 heats for each class). 10 best nations are competing on second day in final (3 heats in each class). 6 best nations from previous year are going automatically to the final.
We can change classes even every year, but it has to be decided at GA at least two years ehead, which classes are involved. We can add classes P750, O-125, F2 or even small Offshore classes, but juniors have to be involved all the time.
If there are bigger interest from nations, we can change rules for number of finalists. For example at least 15 nations in final with one boat in each class.
If races are organized for example in other continents than Europe, local organizers or UIM (using promotors etc.) are making possible of availability of boats without need for nations to transport boats to the race site. If race is organized in Europe, European nations are using their own boats. For nations from other continents we have to find boats from Europe.
Why not to demand, that at least 3 nation medalists from last two seasons has to be members of the national teams.
Certanly there are a big number of other good ideas and formats to organize such Powerboating Nations GP. These ideas are welcome!
Let's try it!