Cominsport, which has normally most things to do, has three meetings now: first day 2 hours. second day 4 hours and joint meeting at third day 4 hours. My suggestion is, that Cominsport has meetings: first day, second day and fifth day. Then we can have meetings, discussions and negotiations in two days between meetings. All meetings is good to have opened. If closed meeting is needed, reserve small room and have such meeting privately. Now many of problems, rised at Cominsport meetings in first two days are not solved in the end of GA.
To do so, we can move for example Formulae committee meetings to the Thursday.
There are also some other issues to solve in time table.
For calendar meeting we need project for calendar earlier, than 10 minutes before meeting. Now we had and still have problems with S-550, OSY-400 and junior classes.
Open Forum has to be open. We have to give for example 1 minute to the all candidates for elections to introduce himself. Etc.
Biggest problem in GA is still fact, that homework is not done. Most of delegates are coming to the GA without any preparation and commissions are having long discussions and argues because of that. We have to have for these meetings strict time schedule and only in case we have additional not used time, we can discuss matters arised at meetings.